Saturday, July 16, 2011

Tips to Make Clever Logos with Hidden Meanings

Nearly anybody can design a logo that is dull and boring. However, not everybody has the potential to build up a winning brand identity of a company. Designing a new logo design for a company is an essential element of naming any lawful firm. It represents the authentic image of the business and its undertaking. Company logos must constantly be created in a clever and creative manner. A logo that has no message or meaning is an inappropriate work out.

Designing a new logo design for a company is an essential element of naming any lawful firm. It represents the authentic image of the business and its undertaking. Company logos must constantly be created in a clever and creative manner. A logo that has no message or meaning is an inappropriate work out.

The work of a logo designer is to utilize his imaginative talent to twist and turn the logo design in such a manner that the foundation purpose of the business is noticeable. To ingeniously fit a connotation within a logo necessitates highest skills and inventiveness. Here are a few tips for logo designers to make creative logo design with hidden messages in them:

  1. 1.     Negative Space:

One of the most eminent techniques of devising clever logo designs with hidden meanings is through negative space. Negative space involves using the empty spaces left in the design to incorporate a connotation that tells something regarding the company and its missions. Of the famous examples, the FedEx logo is the ideal example that uses negative space to craft an arrow between the letters "E" and "x".

  1. 2.     Twisting the Font:

Typography is a whole new dimension these days. There are simply no bounds to what logo designers can achieve using the fonts. If carefully and meticulously twisted, the typeface of the logo design can spell out a hidden message for the target audience to read out.

  1. 3.     Bending the Numbers:

You never can imagine what you can create using numbers. Just rotate the numeral 3 and you can turn it into an ‘M' as well as a ‘W'. With the right amount of creativity and inventiveness, you can slot in a clever meaning into the design of your logo.

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