Monday, September 26, 2011

The Traditional Wedding Ketubah

People from different religions and from different cultures and nationalities have their own customs and traditions surrounding the institution of marriage.  Many of these customs have they have been practiced since time immemorial. Each of these customs has their own uniqueness and history. One of the best examples of this custom and tradition in Judaism that is still in use today is the use of the Ketubah.  The wedding Ketubah is like a marriage contract in Jewish wedding ceremony. The Ketubah text is very essential in Jewish wedding since this is where the couple creates and signs their agreement and acknowledge the responsibilities that they will need to abide by for the rest of their lives together. The signing of the wedding Ketubah is the traditional start to a Jewish wedding ceremony. The Ketubah is a written agreement that not only declares that the bride is not currently married to another man, but it also outlines the expectations that the couple holds for each other in their married life.

The Ketubah text must be approved and permitted by the rabbi; you should first ask the rabbi about their requirements and policies before you create your custom Ketubah. The traditional Ketubah text is written in Hebrew, but if you want to write your own Ketubah but doesn't know how to write in Hebrew you can simply ask your rabbi of if the artist can translate English language to Hebrew.  After the wedding this important document will be framed in artful fashion along with a painting or drawing.  The wedding Ketubah  will be displayed in the home of the newly married couple.

A wedding is a very sacred ceremony and a very special moment for any bride and groom. By means of a Ketubah this special moment will be forever remembered as both of you go to your married life,  It is a positive and written reminder of the unique love of the bride and groom for each other.  You can make your wedding Ketubah as personalized as you would like.  You can write the whole thing yourself and declare your love and lasting respect for each other.  The Ketubah gives you something that you can always look back on to refresh your love and your memory of that special day in your life.

If you want to have a memorable and special Jewish wedding ceremony, a good, custom wedding Ketubah will be a greatly treasured part of your important day.



About the Author

Tom Budko is a fan of Custom Ketubah, New World Wedding and Ketubahs Custom Ketubah Text and Wedding Art by Rachel Deitsch

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