Monday, July 11, 2011

Features of Famous Pepsi Logo Design

Pepsi is competitively the most accepted soft-drink beverage in the world after Coca-Cola. It was initially developed and formed in 1890's by a pharmacist named Caleb Bradham, who named his creation as "Brad's drink". However, later on in 1898, Bradham changed the name of his popular drink into "Pepsi-Cola". It was trademarked in the year 1903 and since then has become one of the hallmark brands in the world. It was trademarked in the year 1903 and since then has become one of the hallmark brands in the world.

Pepsi wanted to get a logo design for their corporation that was designed and remains more or less the same till today. The reputation and distinction of Pepsi's famous globe logo is based on its certain chief elements. Following are the salient features that make Pepsi logo a famous logo design and when you design a logo design, one should focus the following elements.

  • Font of Pepsi Logo:

The typography adopted in Pepsi logo has always been simple and straightforward. They have mostly used roman and italic that looked imperative and sophisticated. But after a series of alterations to their fonts, the latest adoption of fonts includes an all-lower case style. The aim was to make the name of the company simpler to read out.

  • Color of Pepsi Logo:

Pepsi logo contains two different colors have their own beauty. While almost everything about the Pepsi logo has been altered over the years, its two colors have remained constant. One semi-circle is red, whereas the other is blue with a centre of white, producing an image of the product that is very alluring. These colors were used to depict a sense of Americanism in the logo design.

  • Symbol of Pepsi Logo :

The symbol used in Pepsi logo is a three-dimensional object shaped as a world globe. It has two complementary colors and a whirlpool in the middle that divides the two parts of the logo. This symbol has been slightly altered over time. The latest redesign of the Pepsi logo took the shape inspired by the Mona Lisa smile. Other resemblances were found with the Obama campaign logo design as well, but these allegations were played down by Pepsi Co.

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